Tuesday, November 29, 2011

It's been a long time...

I have not posted on this blog for a very long time, so I thought I better. What happened? Well I managed to find myself working several part time jobs after graduating from University and thus the knitting needles were left alone.

I started a project two days ago since buying a new pattern book: Weekend Hats. I frequently read one of the designers blogs and immediately knew I had to buy the book. It has 25 beautiful hat patterns and I am starting with the Ruche Beret designed by Susan B. Anderson. It is a top-down construction that I have never done before, nor have I ever knitted a toque on a 16" circular needle (it is small in comparison to the other circular needles I've used).

I've got about two more inches to knit before I can start the ribbing, so it won't be long. The hat is for none other than me. Why? Because I need a hat. I can't find any hats and I've recently moved away during the week taking only the essentials to my tiny unfurnished apartment. I can't dig through winter bins in the evening searching for hats.

But the new job gives me a lot of extra time in the evening. As a journalist I do occasionally have to attend meetings and events in the evening, but otherwise I sit in my small apartment watching TV most evenings streaming from my computer (I don't own a TV). So it should be the ideal scenario for me to start up my knitting again. Oh how I've missed it so!

And with Christmas on the way I am more than a little bit excited about the prospect of knitting projects in my future.

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